For a long time women of black and ethnic minority communities in Scotland have been faced with various social problems like lack of coordination, lack of resources and under representation leaving young women growing up within this communities  disadvantaged at various levels of education, sports, health, housing and employment. This has greatly impacted on their level of social integration. The need for an organised approach to tackle these challenges is needed. In response to this need was the formation of Black Women in action (BWIA) in January, 2020 by likeminded professionals from diverse field of endeavours.

BWIA aim to promote social inclusion and improve physical health and wellbeing of women of black and ethnic minority group, through its activities boost and strengthen sense of achievement and belonging amongst women of black and ethnic minority group, hence serve as a tool for multi-cultural community participation and development. By facilitating social, communal, recreational, physical and educational activities for the common good of women of black and ethnic minority group BWIA aims to increase the bonding amongst women of black and ethnic minority group as well as create a bright, healthy and sustainable future for women of black and ethnic minority group.

BWIA provides technical support for sustainable Community based Developmental Programs by organising cultural exchange projects that promotes community integration. BWIA projects enables the community develop leisure, recreational, educational and other areas of opportunities that builds local capacity and skills amongst women of black and ethnic minority groups and other community groups in a viable and sustainable manner.